Thursday, January 22, 2009

Haiku for mothers

Yesterday while I was getting ready to post my blog I was reading the "the meanest mom" blog and she had written some Haiku poetry. I haven't even thought of Haiku since I was in high school and had to do it for a project. I didn't have anything to say at the ripe old age of 16 and if I had there was no way it would fit into the haiku formula. Funny thing happened this morning when I couldn't sleep I decided to try my hand at it.

For Lizzie 1/29/2007-2/14/2007

The dress hangs ready
Lovingly sewn by old hands
All for the new one.

Untouched baby clothes
an empyt, heirloom crib, but
eternally ours

Ode to the Laundry
In heaps on the floor
Waiting for someone to wash
shirts, socks, pants and towels

Still it piles up
a never ending supply
keeping the floor warm.

Someone should wash it
Their responsibility
not mine! not yours? whose?

Here is just a short one


Man, looking for food

there in plain sight in the fridge

can't seem to see it.


Bugs said...

I LOVE it!

Natalie said...

Thanks Jan, I keep thinking if I read sad or touching stuff at work I won't cry but I am wrong every time.