Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Easter and the wii

Many weeks ago, Liam asked if he could borrow our wii. We loaned it to him and he asked how long he could keep it. I told him he had until Easter and then it needed to be returned. Well, Easter came and went and the wii was still sitting at his house as he was learning to master Guitar Hero (he's 6). Each time he has come to the house since then I ask him where the wii is and amazingly it is still at his house because he forgot it. Well, last night at our weekly AI party he returned the wii. Along with the game came a Happy Easter card. I thought how funny that they thought if they gave me an Easter card at the same time I wouldn't know they were returning the wii late. How clever are kids.


Bugs said...

that's great. happy easter, again.
two posts in one month? That's crazy.

Natalie said...

Wait am I on the right blog? Jana Ruth never ever posts more than once a year . .